Tuesday, June 08, 2010

Coming Soon...

Yes, I'm going to start posting again! Can you believe it. I know all my faithful readers were seriously concerned that I hadn't actually eaten anything since November of last year, since that's when I last talked food. I promise you, I haven't wasted away. (Though I wouldn't have minded wasting away just a little bit.)

As a teaser, I'm throwing out lots of pictures of food from the past several months I always meant to discuss but didn't get to...maybe I still will? In the meantime, I guest-blogged at my friend Nikki's thesaltypineapple today, so you can check out my write up there on grilled chicken and black beans.


Ski Bike Junkie said...

Did you seriously not even blog about Thanksgiving? The horror.

Dan Metcalf said...

WooHoo! New posts coming soon...

Heidi said...

Glad you are back blogging, my friend!